Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I was blocked for so long

It has been so long that I couldn't post my articles. Now I am using some special program to access here, I will keep post what I think and what I am doing, mostly about my interpreting and translating job, from Chinese to English, and from English to Chinese, Chinese here I mean Mandarin, Cantonese, and Teochew.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Translated for an electronic company in Huangqiangbei in Shenzhen

Last Friday and Saturday, this company that made TV driver board hired me to translate, they had poeple from Hongkong, India and Denmark to work with them for an UMPC project. The guy from Hongkong only spoke Cantonese, he had good relationships with this Shenzhen company, the Dane, and 3 indians. So I had to speak Mandarin, English and Cantonese. The Dane guy worked for a German company which took care of the structure and apperance of this device, the indian guys was in charge of the hardware and software design, this Shenzhen company that hired me would be in charge of the manufacturing and sales. They hired me through a translation company, for one and a half days, they paid the translation company 200USD, but this translation company only paid me 100USD.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Long-distance assessment (translator)

Before I can take the Part-III test, I need to have the long-distance assessment, it is actually a training required by the Police. We drove from Shenzhen to Shaoguan, passed by Dongguan, Huizhou, Zengcheng, Conghua, Fugang, and destination Guandu town Wengyuan county.

6 students with the coach were in this car

In the car, everyone had to be under the camera for at least 70 minutes, the camera is like this

we ate at this restaurant, it was not expensive as I would expect. 245RMB for 7 people.

When we got there, we needed to take a picture to prove that we got there, then gave the memery card of the camera to the Police. But there were so many people waiting in lines.

We stayed at a bad hotel which was not cheap at all, 5 beds in a room, with only one toilet in a bathroom, everyone needed to pay RMB130, here was our hotel.
We had to eat at the Police restaurant, 50RMB for lunch and breakfast, but the food didn't worth RMB50. Next day the first thing in the morning, we went to the Police training center again, signed our names on the paper then left.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am becoming a driver in Shenzhen although I am an English-Chinese translator/Interpreter

Here is my experience in learning driving to get a driving license in Shenzhen, I am showing you how I passed the tests in detail.

I registered on the 20th of January in 2009, right before Chinese New Year holiday. Actually my agent, a driving school helped me for the register in the traffice police. There are many steps you need to follow, you can see the following link, put your ID or Serial Number on it
Officially I took one day Theory Training in the school and got fingerprinted in the traffic police test office on 2009-02-11, the training involved questions mainly related to traffic regulations, driving knowledge and emergency response. Then the school helped me make the reservation to take the Theory Test. I passed it with 99 points, it was all done on computer. This is Part I.

Part II included Zhuangkao meaning Pole Test which tests your skill in reversing car without hitting the poles or running over the lines.
See the Pole Test route

I was totally monitored all by computer, no need examiner, only a guard around, and there was a big screen showing me my result. Firstly, I got used to the car and adjusted the car to the perfect spot to reverse without running over Line A, and adjusted the mirrors as well. Secondly, I put my finger over the little thing by Pole 1, then the system recognized me. Started it finally. Usually there are a few mistakes that will show on the screen if you make any mistake like, wrong route, hit pole, run over line, stop for over 2 seconds (allow once), ect. When I was about to finish the test, right before I drove back the initial place(finish line as well) from Park Spot B, I released clutch, the car reversed a little bit instead of going forward. But the screen told me that I stopped once which was allowed instead of wrong route which was rejected, then the screen showed me I passed it. Remember it is possible that the ground is not flat sometimes.

Part II also includes The 3 Test Item out of 9, 2 of them are necessary, they are Stop at the target point/Start on ramp way and Park on the side, the others are optional (pick randomly by computer 2 minutes before you take the test), in Shenzhen they usually are Turn at a right-angle (3/8 chance), Single bridges (1/8 chance), Big Pancakes (1/8 chance), , and S shape road (1/4 chance). On route 1, there are 2 necessary items+Turn at a right-angle +Big Pancakes , On rount 2, there are 2 necessary items+ Turn at a right-angle+ Turn at a right-angle+ Single bridges, on route 3, there are 2 necessary items+ Turn at a right-angle, on route 4, there are 2 necessary items+ S shape road. see the following map

The computer told me to go on Route 1, took the car Number 8. The big screen showed that today there were No Big Pancakes on Route 1 and No Turn at a right-angle for today. when I got into the car, I had to buckle up first and made sure it was tight to the right hole by pulling it up , put the handbrake down and shook it so the computer could tell, shook the gear pole to see if the spring down there worked, then adjusted the mirrors. The computer told me to take the following test item, when I run over the sense area, the computer noticed me as well. The computer didn't tell me anything else until I finished these 3 items, finally the computer told me that I passed. I drove back to the initial place and went to get my record card printed and I signed it.

I have more pictures showing you how I learned.

Looking forward to Part III

Part III.

I passed the test yesterday. It was easy if you cared everything related to safety. Here is the route.,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,78.75&ie=UTF8&ll=22.567593,113.960731&spn=0.010541,0.019226&t=h&z=16,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,78.75&ie=UTF8&ll=22.563848,113.965902&spn=0.010542,0.019226&z=16

What did I do to pass the test. First of all, I needed to go around the car to make sure it is good, got in the car, the first thing was to buckle up, don't forget it, adjust the seat the mirror. Then examiner asked me if I was ready, "ready!", "go!". I turned on the left-turn indicator, disengaged the clutch and pressed the brake pedal, put on gear 1 meanwhile I look at the mirrors(left and right), released the parking brake, then slowly engaged the clutch, when I heard the sound and felt a little shake, released the brake pedal, the car moved, engaged the clutch completely, stepped on the accelerator pedal, disengaged the clutch, gear 2, stepped on the accelerator, disengaged the clutch, gear 3, then I stopped at a traffic light, started again, then the examiner wanted me to put the gear 4, when I did it, he wanted me to pull over immediately, I turned on the right-turn indicator, looked at the right mirror, then slowed down and moved to side lane, slowed down again, and pulled over to adjust the car possion, make sure it was 30cm away from the side line. At last, I disengaged the clutch, gear neutral, pulled up the handbrake, turned on the caution light. The examiner put "qualified" on the paper, and I signed it.

I am going to get the driving lisence in a couple weeks. (2009-05-11)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Translation for Shenzhen Volunteer Association

送人玫瑰 手有余香
You Give the help, You Receive a good feeling.

Volunteer spirit in traditional Chinese culture

Shenzhen volunteers in the Reform and Opening-up

Prospect of Shenzhen volunteers

Volunteer spirit in Chinese traditional culture

儒家 Confucianism

· 仁爱观——孔子“仁者爱人” The view of kindheartedness —Confucius says whoever is kind-hearted loves people.
·“鳏寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养” ——《礼记•大同》
Whoever is widower, widow, single, alone, sick, or disable, gets taken care of.---Book of Rites • Great Harmony
Mutual help and watch among the neighbors--Mencius.

道家 Taoism
The rule of nature is irrespective of intimacy, only good to whoever is kind.---The view of Taoist, One Good Turn Deserves Another

佛教 Buddhism

Random Acts of Kindness

Volunteer forms in Chinese history

春秋战国 墨家
Chunqiu period Modism

形成有组织的团体,实施“兼爱非攻”、“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”等理念. The organizations was formed, and the theory of "love everyone" and "be against assault" and “Expand the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expand the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families ” was applied.

汉 泉州 Han dynasty QuanZhou

西汉黄霸任泉州太守,“养视鳏寡,赡助贫穷”,大行慈善事业, 社会秩序良好,达到“田者让畔,道不拾遗”的状态 When Huangbao was the Prefect in Quanzhou in Xi Han dynasty, “take care of the widower and widow, subsidize the poor”, acts of charity were popular, and the order of society was good. It came to the good social morality of “farmers give the field paths, people do not pick up the items that don't belong to them”

唐 福田院 Tang FuTianYuan

唐代寺院创办的慈善组织,以收养孤独之人,当时又称病坊、 养病院、悲田院等 It was a charity organization established by in the temple in The Tang dynasty that took care of the people who were alone. It was also called Bingfang, Yangbingyuan, Beitianyuan, etc.

明清 同善会 Ming&Qing TongShanHui

东林学派主将高攀龙等组织同善会,主要宣扬良好道德风俗, 体捐资收养生活无着的贫困孝子、贫老病者等 The major Gaopanlong in Donglin Party established the kindness association, it publicized the good morals and custom, took in donations and took care of the poor dutiful children and poor sick people.

Volunteer forms in modern China

“学雷锋活动 ”
“learn from Lei Feng activities ”

雷锋精神 Lei Feng’s spirit

全心全意为人民服务Serve the people wholeheartedly

关心同志,乐于助人. Take care of our comrades, be ready to help others

毫不利己,专门利人 Be devoted to others without any thought of himself

Chinese volunteers in the Reform and Opening-up

Shenzhen is the pilot plot of Reform and Opening up

深圳的发展和经验证明,我们建立经济特区的政策是正确的。 The development and experience of Shenzhen prove that policy of establishing the special economic zones is correct.
Dengxiaoping in Shenzhen in 1984

1978年 中国实施改革开放政策
In 1978, carried out the reform and opening-up policy.

1980年 成立深圳经济特区
In 1980, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was established.

1989年 深圳市义工联合会成立
In 1989, Shenzhen Volunteer Association was set up.

改革开放前的深圳 Shenzhen before the Reform and Opening-up

改革开放后的深圳 Shenzhen after the Reform and Opening-up

深圳市的未来发展 Future Shenzhen

深圳社会组织的蓬勃发展The development of Shenzhen social organizations

1983年 深圳市红十字会成立
Shenzhen Red Cross was established in 1983

1988年 深圳市青少年发展基金会成立
China Youth Development Foundation was set established in 1988

1989年 深圳市义工联合会成立
Shenzhen Volunteer Association was established in 1989

2002年 深圳市狮子会成立
Shenzhen Lions Association was established in 2002

The spirit of Shenzhen and its volunteers

深圳精神 The spirit of Shenzhen

开拓创新、诚信守法、务实高效、团结奉献Explore and innovate, sincere and law-abiding, practical and efficient, united and devoted

义工精神 Volunteers’ spirit

Participation, mutual-help, devotion, progress

深圳义工的诞生The birth of Shenzhen Volunteer Association


On the 20th of Sep. in 1989, 19 warmhearted people opened a “Serve For You” hotline for the young people who just got to Shenzhen.


On the 9th of April in 1990, Shenzhen Youth Voluntary Social Worker Association was registered in the Bureau of Civil Affairs, it became the first legal volunteer association in mainland China.

深圳义工发展大事记Memorabilia of Shenzhen Volunteer Association

1998年起,实施“青年志愿者扶贫接力计划”,连续三年每年招募20名志愿者到贵州毕节、黔南州地区支教一年 Since 1998, The tandem plan of poverty alleviation has been carried out, recruit 20 volunteers every year for 3 consecutive years to teach for one year in Bijie Qiannan of Guizhou province.
2000年,深圳派遣李泓霖赴老挝参与中国第一批国际义工服务In 2000, Shenzhen assigned Lihong to join the first international volunteer service in Laos.
In 2002, 6 international volunteers were sent to Myanmar to teach for one year.
The regulations of Shenzhen Volunteer Service was officially implemented on the 1st of July in 2005.
In 2007, The Volunteer Service Mayor Prize was set up.
On the 15th of May in 2008, Chinese first adolescent psychology crisis assistance commando volunteers were sent to serve in WenChuang earthquake stricken area.

深圳市义工联合会职能The role of Shenzhen Volunteer Association

Serve the society and spread the civilizations

Organize and coordinate the service activities of the volunteers

义工及法人义工组织 Register and manage the individual volunteers, group volunteers and legal volunteer organizations.

深圳市义工联合会服务范围Volunteer forms in Chinese history

Regular service events

Nearly 20 events,the scope of services includes Hotline, serving disabled people, serving the aged, HEALTH AND MEDICAL service, serving the orphans, teaching service, Social Research, serving students, environmental protection service, internet service, training, culture service, literature and art service, psychiatric healing service,etc.

Volunteer education service

Develop the volunteer education programs in the mountain areas such as Guizhou and Shanxi province, etc. as well as in Laos and Myanmar.

Exhibition Event Service

Organize the volunteers to serve in various of activities in Hi-Tech Fair, International Culture Industry Fair, Reading Month, etc.

Chinese reform

Serve in the coming The World University Games.

深圳市义工联合会组织架构 The organization of Shenzhen Volunteer Association

Shenzhen Volunteer Association (180 thousand registered volunteers)

6 legal volunteer organizations

The grass roots organizations in the Street and Community and their individual volunteers

30个直属义工服务队30 immediate volunteer teams

Over 30000 individual volunteers

493 Volunteer groups

个体义工individual volunteers

深圳义工服务的特点The characteristics of Shenzhen Volunteer Service


依法注册、立法、制度化管理,健全市长奖、百优、星级义工等激励制度 Legally register, legislate, institutionalized management, improve reward system such as the Major Prize, Baiyou, Star Volunteer.


人员构成多元,面向社会募集资金,形成市区街道社区四级网络 Varied personnel, fund-raising from the society, form the networking in the street and community.


病防治),短期项目(展会),应急项目(地震) Regular events (over 20),long-middle term events (the World University Games, AIDS prevention and cure), short term events (fairs), emergency (earthquake)


专业人才做义工,义工参加专业考试,义工理论研究和探索 Professionals become volunteers, volunteers take professional tests, volunteer theoretical research and exploration

深圳义工发展壮大的原因The reasons why Shenzhen Volunteers develop so fast

Cultural heritage

Integrate the traditional culture and modern culture, the oriental and western culture.

Social needs

经济发展带来社会问题,既为主体又为客体的服务需求 The social problems come along with the develop of economy, social service requests both in object and subject.

Government support

legal system support and financial support, reward mechanism such as Major system

Prospect of Shenzhen volunteers

深圳义工未来发展方向 Prospect of Shenzhen volunteers

Promote more and more citizens to join in the volunteer servive, push the social development.

Improve the professional level of volunteer service.

Strengthen the international communication of volunteer work

弘扬义工精神,让世界更和谐Promote the Volunteer spirit, make the world more harmonious


Monday, January 26, 2009

What I Can Do For You

First of all, I have an engineering education backgroud with a bachelor's degree and 3 years inspection experience for export products, so I am qualitified for QC, I know different kinds of product specifications and drawings, familiar with technical terms in both Chinese and English.

Secondly, I have been a freelancer for 3 years as an English-Chinese translator. I know how to do the product sourcing and market exploring. I take foreigners to visit factories and help them negotiate and make good deals, besides, I will arrange your travel and accommodation very well, arrange your needs as well if you want me to.

I will make sure you have fun in China. I am sure you will have a furitful tour with my considerate services and reasonable price.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do Business With China

I am an engineering graduate who lives in Shenzhen, China. If you would like to explore business opportunities with China, I would be happy to assist you. I have been working in the Chinese export business for 3 years, I am familiar with sourcing, factory audit, negotiation with factory to set price and delivery schedule, pre-shipment inspection. Products which I have worked with in the past include: toy, furniture, barbeque grill, porcelain, bathroom accessory, Christmas tree and gift, and etc. Shenzhen is right next to Hongkong, it is the most important port in south China.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The languages I speak

My mother tongue is Teochow language which was popularly spoken by most Chinese people during Qin and Han dynasty. It is now spoken only around 20 million people in China and Southeast Asia. It has an overall 50.4% of mutual intelligibility with the Xiamen dialect, 44.3% with Mandarinn and 43.5% with Cantonese.

My second language is Mandarin. I began to speak it when I was 14 years old even though I started to learn how to listen, read and write, when I was very young (3 years old maybe).

It was easy for me to learn my third language, Cantonese, because I was born in Guangdong province where most people speak Cantonese, and Cantonese has so much mutual intelligibility with mandarin and my mother tongue, Teochew language.

My fourth language is English. I began to learn it when I was a very young child too, but I only learned how to read and write before I entered the university. I had a great opportunity to learn English from some native English speakers when I was at the university, there I corrected my tones, grammar and many wrong habits, and my listening skill was much improved because I had this solid basic knowledge about English.

After graduation, I worked as a volunteer for some native English speakers, then I had more opportunities to speak English and people liked to correct my tones and mistakes, besides, I spent a lot of time on watching American TV shows and movies. After that, I took a part-time job as an interpreter for business people from everywhere in the world, then I got used to many different accents. It has been 3 years since I became an En-Ch translator.

Now I am a freelancer and businessman, very open to many jobs.

Contact Me

If you are in need of a translator/Interpreter or you want to do business with China, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Tel: (+86) 15915-484-313