Friday, January 4, 2013

How to get response to your inquiries that you send to the Chinese Vendors?

inquiry I have heard a lot of my clients that they have never get a response from their suppliers and they have to ask my translation help on that, sometimes they just want me to call them and if they are available, I will make a 3-way phone call, put both you and your supplier on the phone, I act as an interpreter in between. In this case, I charge my clients on a hourly basis.

Here are some tips that might help you get some replies.

1. When you are sending an inquires for quote, please make sure that the suppliers understand what items you need, and how many pieces you need for each item. If you are looking for an electronics item, they will either sell you one sample or thousands of pieces, if you only need 100 or 200 pieces for a customized item, most of the time they are not interested.

2. When you are writing an inquiry, please make sure that your English is easy to understand. As many Alibaba suppliers receive too many inquiries every day, they need to hire someone cheap to read the inquires, I am sure that many big Alibaba suppliers have someone who speaks very good English, however, the one who is reading your inquiries might not speak good English, hense, they might have difficulty to understand your emails.

3. Do not create a standard letter and send it to a lot of suppliers. Many indian people like to create a standard inquiry, and try to send it to as many people as they can, and eventually they get one reply at all. People in China have no interest in people who will talk to too many of their competitors. So most of the time, a short email is better than a long one.

4. If you are looking for a cheap item with a small quantity, most of the suppliers are not so interested unless you can place a big order after that. If you have a nice website that introduces yourself and your company, if you describe your project very well and your project will require a lot of the item you are looking for, most of the suppliers will show interest and give you a good price.

5. If you don’t get the response in one or two days, you can send it again. Or you can send a text message to their cell phone, or you can just give them a call, if you can’t communicate well with them on the phone, you can hire a phone call interpreter service.


If you still have no way to get the response, why don’t you contact me, I will help you get some response, please be aware that I will charge you on a hourly basis. My hourly rate is usually USD30.