Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to avaid sammers from Shenzhen, China

scam I got a lot of complaints from people who got scammed by some people in Shenzhen China.

There are many types of scams, and everyone got scammed in a different way.

The most common way that the scammers use is that they put a very low price for a popular item to attract your attention and want you to pay in advance to their bank account or via Western Union, as soon as they get the money, they would either disappear or send you something that you don’t want.

1. Don’t be greedy. Do not believe that there is a free lunch, or there is something that is extremely cheap.

2. Check on the internet and some official sources to make sure that you understand what is a reasonable price for the item you are looking for.

3. Check the supplier’s address, make sure that the address makes sense. Or you can pay us to verify the address.

4. Pay via Paypal if possible. Only pay with Telegraphic Transfer or Western Union to a reliable supplier.

IwantYourMoney Email-Phishing
